Summit Over

The Lightroom Virtual Summit ran last week. During the week I was actually working on a TV show, Glor Tire to be precise. I’m the regular stills photographer capturing the show for social media and for show promotion in general. The days are long, and there’s a lot of ‘Hurry up and wait’ as you go between peak moments. The Summit on the other hand was all work in the preparation phase.

I was delighted to be asked by Dave Cross to participate. The process required coming up with class ideas and pitching them. Most of the work done as an independent creator is coming up with ideas. Even today, I’m coming up with an idea for an article due on Monday. Once I have the idea, and the image, the process kicks into gear and I can create the text or video I need. Ideas are often easy, but pairing to a photo, can be harder. The right image makes a difference. In the case of the Lightroom Summit, it was a matter of a lot of photos as I was covering three completely unrelated things.

With ‘Ingest is not a Joke’-I hope the wordplay was obvious!, I looked at how to many ways of getting photos into Lightroom and spent time explaining how to use the process to make life easier later, and how to manipulate the process depending on your needs. For ‘Essential Development’ I took the principles of my old eBook and created a tips and tricks class for Lightroom’s Develop module, including some more technical aspects of Presets. My final class was Addon Heaven where I look at plugins that really help improve my quality of life as a photographer. In addition, there were class notes for these, and bonus videos for the VIP Pass purchasers. Thank you to all that got these.

Would I do the Summit again if asked? Yes of course. I love the teaching aspect. Creating video is definitely easier than books-even creating the written class notes took longer than the videos themselves. If you missed out, I’m afraid the window to get the VIP Pass is over. I’m not writing this to pitch anything, I’m just here to say thank you. So. Thank you Dave for asking me. Thanks to Marlene for her work in the background, and of course Matt Kloskowski, partnering with Dave. Thank you to all of you that were in the audience, whether watching for free, or making use of a pass to get access to 45 classes from world class instructors.


Macnas: Con Mór


Lightroom Virtual Summit