The Mega Masking Masterclass

Lightroom Classic 11, and the rest of the Lightroom ecosystem saw a huge fundamental change in how local adjustments are done. From a rag tag collection of tools, they’ve all been consolidated into one new, more powerful tool, simply called Masking. You can still do the same edits as before, but mix and match them. Not to mention the incredible new Select Sky and Select Subject masks. These can be mixed with the others for even further refinement. There’s a lot to learn, but I know someone who can help.

My buddy Piet Van den Eynde is doing 2 days with 2 hours training in February. While it is live, it will also be available to download if you can’t make it on the days in question. Piet’s also giving away Masking presets to help with your editing as part of the package. Right now, there’s Early Bird pricing of $29.95USD plus taxes. This will go to $49.95 closer to the date. It’s great value for 4 hours of training from an excellent teacher. I got to know Piet as a fellow author with Craft & Vision, and I’ve always been impressed with his content. Clear, concise, with great examples and case studies.

When are the classes on? Well:

Part 1: February 7, 9 PM CET. Part 2: February 9, 9 PM CET. That’s Central European Time

Will I be covering Masking here on the site/Youtube? Yes of course, but not to the level of detail that Piet will be doing. Getting in at the early bird price makes this excellent value training that I highly recommend. For more detail on what’s been covered, Piet will start by looking at the 8 tools individually and the four ways to combine them and then progress to some really cool examples of advanced local adjustments that were previously only available to seasoned Photoshop users!

He’ll also be showing masking in a variety of genres to maximise your skills.

I know you’re keen to find out more, so click the button below to be take to Piet’s page for the class.

Yes, it’s an affiliate link, with no additional cost to you. I’m posting it because it is genuinely quality content. If I was all about affiliate sales, the blog would be full of affiliate posts on a daily basis-which it’s not.


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